Object-Oriented Templates

PHP Classes that render: Twig Components

Create reusable, object-oriented templates. PHP class + template = Twig components.

composer require symfony/ux-twig-component
// ... use statements hidden - click to show
use App\Service\UxPackageRepository;
use Symfony\UX\TwigComponent\Attribute\AsTwigComponent;

class Alert
    public string $type = 'success';
    public string $message;

    public function __construct(private UxPackageRepository $packageRepository)

    public function getIcon(): string
        return match ($this->type) {
            'success' => 'circle-check',
            'danger' => 'circle-exclamation',

    public function getPackageCount(): int
        return $this->packageRepository->count();
<div class="alert alert-{{ type }} alert-dismissible" role="alert">
    <twig:Icon name="{{ this.icon }}" class="me-2" />
    {{ message }}

    {% if type == 'success' %}
        <a href="{{ path('app_packages') }}" class="alert-right-message">
            (browse all {{ this.packageCount }} packages)
    {% endif %}
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UX Twig Components

<twig:Alert message="I am a success alert!" />
    message="Oh no! The dinos escaped!"

Install It

$ composer require symfony/ux-twig-component