DEMOS / Live Component

Embedded CollectionType Form

Unlock the potential of Symfony's CollectionType while writing zero JavaScript. This demo shows off adding and removing items entirely in PHP & Twig.

Item Priority
// ... use statements hidden - click to show
use App\Entity\TodoList;
use App\Form\TodoListFormType;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
use Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Attribute\AsLiveComponent;
use Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Attribute\LiveProp;
use Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\DefaultActionTrait;
use Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\LiveCollectionTrait;

class TodoListForm extends AbstractController
    use DefaultActionTrait;
    use LiveCollectionTrait;

    #[LiveProp(fieldName: 'formData')]
    public ?TodoList $todoList;

    protected function instantiateForm(): FormInterface
        return $this->createForm(
    {{ attributes }}
    {{ form_start(form) }}
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-4">
                {{ form_row(, {
                    label: false,
                    attr: {
                        placeholder: 'Give your list a name'
                }) }}

        <table class="table table-borderless form-no-mb">
                {% for item_form in form.todoItems %}
                            {{ form_row(item_form.description, {
                                label: false,
                                row_attr: {class: 'mb-1'},
                                attr: {
                                    placeholder: 'Walk the pygmy hippo'
                            }) }}
                            {{ form_row(item_form.priority, {
                                row_attr: {class: ''},
                                label: false,
                            }) }}
                            {{ form_row(item_form.vars.button_delete, {label: 'X', attr: {class: 'btn btn-outline-danger'}}) }}
                {% endfor %}

        {{ form_widget(form.todoItems.vars.button_add, {label: '+ Add Item', attr: {class: 'btn btn-outline-primary'}}) }}

        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" formnovalidate>Save</button>
    {{ form_end(form) }}
Author weaverryan
Published 2022-06-17